วันอาทิตย์ที่ 9 พฤษภาคม พ.ศ. 2553

Make unique style with Mix and Match your home decor

Image : http://www.flickr.com

You see all the time discount retail: Color coordinated decor for a bit 'anywhere in your home. And some designs are quite pretty. obsessed, in fact, some people have them. They are usually very nice, are available in a variety of colors, shades, patterns and designs, and easy to make only the decoration easy. There are assumptions - everything is just right for you automatically. But there is also no unique style. No sense of "you"-style finish. If you mixMatch styles and a bit ', but you will create something in the end the right one for you, your home, your style and preferences. Here are some tips to do.

Before And 'good start with a "cookie cutter" design style, pattern, color or theme that you found in a store. These are really great points of departure for new ideas of furniture.

Second trial with only one or two matching items from the shop. For example, say you want to decorate your bathroom into aSea Green color scheme. Here you will find a lot of really nice shower curtains to fit this color scheme and chooses to do so, you might like. If you simply can not resist ... go ahead and get the accessories, like the toothbrush holder and soap dish.

Third time, most likely the final draft of your shower curtain has traces of other colors a. And 'common example, blues, tan, yellow and orange in a sea green coordinated bathroom look set to see why these colors are more modestIf you really are at the lake or sea. And they complement each other.

This is an important decoration: Color Your bedroom should not match exactly. You simply complement each other. So for example in the bathroom greenery on our sea, it would be quite natural to a series of tan solid colored towels add orange wash cloths, and a carpet with a touch of blue in it. If the blue does not seem right fit for your taste, try a deep forest greencolored carpet instead.

Fourth Try different color combinations. If you use all the green in the bathroom design, light and dark shadows try as mentioned above. Test the colors out, because sometimes it does not sit well next to other shades. Sometimes you can instinctively tell two different shades together products in the store, but sometimes you have to actually buy the products and test them in space in itself everything that does not workto seek full or is directly across the room design can easily return to the store.

Fifth Work with what you have. In our bathroom decor example, the Greens could not function well if you have pink walls and unable to change it if you renew. If you have deep, dark wood furniture and other accessories, the darker green shades might make the room seem a bit 'too heavy and dark, if you have all the decorations in place new.

Sixth not be afraid to try mixingdecorative styles. Very well designed to have a towel in southwest style in the bathroom like a sea shower curtain, for example, because both styles tend to use earth tones.

Seventh Last but not least: if you can not find decorative styles in the regular stores you try to buy some yard sales and flea markets. Even if you only have an interesting or unique piece that really captures - this is a starting point. You can make a comfortable experience whole and decorationsWork style, simply for the color and style that a piece!

Remember that decorating your home is all about you. Your likes, dislikes, and lifestyle are the most important thing. be sure to inject a bit 'of his personality in creating your home and your family and friends will be envious of your unique, fashionable look!

Friends Link : Thaitripstoday.com Traveller Program Intel Pentium

วันจันทร์ที่ 3 พฤษภาคม พ.ศ. 2553

KH2FM Round - Hades Paradox Cup Final ND (LV1 CM, Part 3)

The last video of the last 10 laps in the Hades Paradox Cup final. I wish now that you are in this round was not much faster than me, but after the last round in 10, LV1 no damage will be much more careful, not only lives up tilt. Ade Invicible this time and again must Orbs Hercules' to the slap of invincibility. And 'wide open then, as soon go for a combo box. What should be cautious whenhe is floating around on the floor. If he feels like he has enough damage, the second Slide Dash to him, he will try to power, and that kills instantly. To play it safe if you live and Thundaga Combo want him after the first combo box. Trinity works, but is weak at LV1, then I would recommend Thundagas more. Smacking balls into Hades, as is good uninvincible damage. Towards the end of the game of Hades giant fireball in the middle is white to move from field. Stay onEdge, and everything will be fine. But it becomes more difficult to get the Hades of invincibility, as Hercules, as to close the bullets fire spawn spots. I was wrong towards the end, but pulled out. Overall, I would say, not the entire Hades Paradox Cup is too bad. Less than a couple of laps, it is very feasible for LV1. Fight like most are the hardest fighting COR. Do not forget the power of Magnega + Thundaga. No damage is another matter, but still doable. Do all 50 laps at a time? NowThis is ...

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